Postgraduate study

The School of Psychological Science offers cutting-edge Diploma, Masters and PhD programmes covering clinical and applied neuropsychology, with an international reputation for excellence in each.

Research Programmes

PhD/MSc by Research Experimental Psychology

Be part of a vibrant postgraduate community and world-class department and contribute to our international research reputation in: Health and Wellbeing, Mind and Brain, and Self and Society.

  • MSc: One year full-time or part-time equivalent
  • PhD: Three years full-time or part-time equivalent

PhD Scholarships | School of Psychological Science | University of Bristol

Postgraduate visits and open days

The University hosts events for prospective students throughout the year, including our main postgraduate open day in November.

MSc Psychology (Conversion)

This MSc conversion programme is designed for students from non-psychology backgrounds and provides training in the theories and methods of contemporary psychological science.

  • One year full-time or two years part-time 

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