Creative Writing Mentoring Scheme

Two mature students outside the University Arts Complex

Our mentoring programme is designed to provide intermediate writers with focussed support to help address specific issues they are facing in their writing. 

When Applications are open on a rolling basis throughout the academic year from September to July. 

Agreed between mentor and mentee


You will be matched with a mentor who has expertise in one of the following genreswriting for young readers; women’s (commercial) fiction/romance; literary fiction; sci fi; fantasy, nature writing; travel writing; memoir; crime (mystery/thriller), poetry and more. Your mentor will offer three 50 minute one to one sessions and feedback on up to 10,000 words / 6 pages poems. 

Scheme outline

 The sessions will be punctuated as follows: 

  • First one to one session – discuss the issue, mentor provides guidance. Mentee invited to submit 5,000 words after two weeks of initial meeting.  
  • Second one to one session – within 3 weeks of receiving first submission – mentor evaluates, discusses, provides feedback and pointers on the 5,000 words. Mentee is invited to submit another 5,000 words after 2 weeks of the second mentoring session.
  • Final one to one session: mentor and mentee will discuss the work and plan next steps. 
Course fee


Previous qualifications/experience

For intermediate writers.
No formal qualifications needed. Open to the public.

What our students say...

When I signed up for this scheme, I was stuck in the middle of a novel - three years in and I'd lost all momentum and I've kind of lost the plot. What I got from my mentor was constructive feedback, a boost in confidence and a couple of realistic deadlines to keep me motivated. It really got me going again and I'm happy to say I've nearly finished the novel (one chapter away from the end). My mentor was the perfect for for me, and I can't thank her enough.

Creative Writing Mentee


Please address any enquiries about the courses to:

Department of English Part-time Courses
School of Humanities
3-5 Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1TB

Telephone: 0117 455 8271

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