Dr Alba Lanau

We interviewed Alba Lanau in 2017. At that time, she convened the Introduction to the Social Sciences unit of the International Foundation Programme.

Staff members and course content can change from year to year. For detailed information about the academic year 2018-19, please visit our unit catalogue.

What is your role at the University of Bristol?

I am a Senior Teaching Associate in the School for Policy studies. I teach across the social policy and childhood studies degrees.

How are you involved with the International Foundation Programme?

I convene the Introduction to the Social Sciences unit.

What’s it like teaching on the International Foundation Programme?

What I enjoy most about the programme is the diversity of students’ experiences and backgrounds. They all bring their own knowledge and it is fascinating for them to learn from each other.

Do you see a difference in students who have done the International Foundation Programme?

The unit lasts for a year and I feel students really grow. Their English and academic skills improve, as does their confidence. At the end of last year, we had some student-led presentations on current affairs and I was impressed by the students’ ability to analyse the social world and apply knowledge from the course to real-life issues.

What would you say to a prospective student?

Overall, the International Foundation Programme is a great opportunity to learn more about the British education system and the careers on offer. It is also a great place to meet people from all over the world.

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