Completed projects

Completed projects are listed in date order.

Project Details Scale Completed
The Jisc discovery tool The Digital Education Office piloted a new tool to support the development of student digital capabilities in 22/23. The Jisc Digital discovery tool provides students with opportunities to reflect on skills, identify areas for improvement and be directed to the support and help they need for their time studying, as well as with any future life or career endeavours. This project was led by the Student Digital Learning Experience team within the DEO. University-wide Jan 2023
Transition to new Turnitin LTI integration in Blackboard Turnitin have informed us that they will no longer support our current method of integration with Blackboard (called the "Blackboard basic building block") after August 2022, and will be retiring it. The University will be switching to a new Turnitin integration with Blackboard, called Turnitin LTI, from September 2022. University-wide Autumn 2022
New PGR e-submission templates Providing a new template for the PGR e-Submission courses to improve the student experience in line with updated Blackboard course templates used for teaching. This project also aims to reduce the number of ‘unnoticed’ submissions of PGR theses where students do not inform the school of their submission. University-wide Autumn 2022
DEO training for staff on Develop platform The Digital Education Office (DEO) is working with Human Resources to scope and implement a way to promote, run and expand our current training via the Develop staff development platform. University-wide September 2022
Migration of Chemistry DLM to Blackboard We are providing guidance to the School of Chemistry on migrating their Dynamic Lab Manuals to Blackboard for the academic year 2022-23. School based Summer 2022
Digitally Ready: Reflect and Reboot Developing digital skills and confidence with returning students: learning more about key tools, discussing online etiquette, finding help and support. University-wide June 2022
Numbas Onboarding of the open source Numbas service integration with Blackboard. Numbas enables the creation of online tests for mathematical subjects and other numerate disciplines, which can be delivered through Blackboard. University-wide March 2022
Dynamic Lab Manuals We worked with the School of Chemistry to develop and update interactive learning materials used in their Dynamic Lab Manuals. School based 2022
H5P We are implementing the H5P authoring tool into Blackboard, including creating staff guidance and support. University-wide Autumn 2021
Re/Play summer upgrade We are working with Mediasite this summer (starting in June) to upgrade to the latest version of the software. As part of this we need to make a number of changes to the service: update the in-room recorder app to a new version which will allow for live streaming from equipped rooms, replace the Desktop Recorder with their new Mosaic application and update the catalogs in Blackboard to a new layout. University-wide September 2021
Summer updates and improvements 2021 There have been major updates and improvements to many of our services over the summer, including new features in Re/Play, Blackboard and Xerte and new tools (Mentimeter, H5P and Teams for Teaching). University-wide September 2021
Mentimeter We will be adding Mentimeter to our Student Response System toolset, alongside TurningPoint. Mentimeter will have SSO access and will be supported by the DEO. You can create a free account prior to a licence being applied to try it out, but the email you use for the account must match your UoB email. University-wide Summer 2021
Blackboard course rollover 2021 After August 1, new Blackboard courses will be created for the 2021-22 taught units. These will be a copy of the previous year’s course, where that exists, including any template. Assessments and Grade Centres will be cleared ready for the coming year’s assessments. The content will need refreshing and resetting for the new academic year. Staff should make sure to remove any of the exam “packages” that were added for the summer assessment period. University- wide August 2021
Blackboard developments summer 2021 Blackboard, supported by IT Services and the Digital Education Office, will be completing essential service maintenance and development to Blackboard between 9 pm on Friday 30 July and 9 am on Tuesday 3 August. Blackboard will therefore be unavailable at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause.
This essential work will upgrade the core Blackboard software and move it to a new, more robust system that will automatically scale to meet future demands and eliminate the need for any future scheduled downtime.
University-wide August 2021
Pilot of Blackboard test templates for exams The DEO is working with the Faculty of Engineering and the Exams Office to create a series of Blackboard test templates for summer exams. These will standardise the test settings, enabling consistency and parity of student experience, and provide personalised views of assessment timings. Faculty of Engineering July 2021
Blackboard packages for summer exams Following a review of feedback from schools on the January assessment period, the DEO worked with the Exams Office to implement a standard package for exams in which students are required to submit files in Blackboard, to provide greater consistency and clarity for students. University- wide July 2021
Student Support 2021 We enhanced our student support by working with Student Digital Champions, improving where students can find help, creating guidance for learning and assessment online, digital induction and skills courses, and a brand new student blog. University-wide 2021
Using Microsoft Teams in Education We are consulted staff to find out how Microsoft Teams (introduced in April 2020) can complement our current set of online learning tools. University-wide 2021
Digitally Ready 2020/21 A student introduction to the Bristol virtual learning experience to equip them with the tools and competencies needed to confidently start their online studies at Bristol. University-wide January 2021
Core toolset Alongside work to extend the functionality of the digital environment, this short project will develop guidance on the recommended tools staff should use for key activities. University-wide Ongoing
Digital Design course We have been working in partnership with Professor Tansy Jessop, PVC Education, the BILT and CREATE teams and digital champions to develop and deliver the Digital Design Course. This ran in May, June and July and has been available as a self-study course since August 2020. University-wide Ongoing
Bristol Futures Open Courses Taken by hundreds of Bristol students completing the Bristol PLUS award as well as members of the public around the world, the open courses are available on the FutureLearn platform. We worked with academics across the University to develop them and now manage and support the running of the courses. University-wide Ongoing
Blackboard course review  Blackboard course reviews were promoted. These were an opportunity both to check courses meet basic standards and to further improve the experience of both students and staff. University-wide Autumn 2020
Blackboard templates We created and deployed new school-specific Blackboard course templates, in consultation with schools. University-wide September 2020
Student practice space In response to the pivot to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, we created a Student Practice Space in Blackboard, where students could get familiar with the environment, and try out some key skills in an easy to access, low-risk way. This was then superseded by Digitally Ready. University-wide September 2020
Student Lifecycle Support Programme changes 2019 The Student Lifecycle Support (SLS) Programme implemented changes that impacted the use of Blackboard. University-wide September 2020
Core standards We developed a set of expectations and recommendations for the use of the digital environment for schools who are not adopting the new Blackboard templates. University-wide Summer 2020
Augmented reporting A project for summer 2020 and the academic year 2020/21 to extend our ability to assess activity within the digital environment and so better support students. Augmented reporting offered a series of reports which generate actionable data for key roles. University-wide Summer 2020
Bb Annotate - new Blackboard inline marking tool Replacement of Box View with Bb Annotate, an improved inline marking tool for providing feedback annotations. University-wide August 2020
Blackboard upgrade Between 5 pm on Wednesday 5th August and midday on Thursday 6th August. The upgrade brings a range of performance and feature improvements, as well as important bug fixes. The core Blackboard functionality and interface will remain the same. University-wide August 2020
Padlet We rolled out a UoB implementation of the online collaboration tool Padlet which makes a bulletin board type workspace for both students and staff. These Padlets can be linked to or embedded in Blackboard course content. University-wide July 2020
Electronic management of assessment (EMA) We will offer dedicated support to schools to review current approaches to coursework submission and marking, and support implementation of standardised workflows for electronic management of assessment (EMA). This project was phased over three years from 2017-18. University-wide July 2020
Eesysoft pilot We trialled a new way to support staff and students in Blackboard via contextual and targetted help. University-wide July 2020
Digital Education Consultation Alongside BILT we ran a series of workshops and other consulations to define the shape of the University’s aspirations in digital education (part of the Digital Strategy development). University-wide July 2020
Questionmark upgrade Our self-hosted Questionmark platform has been upgraded to Version 6 and migrated to the cloud-based On Demand service. University-wide 2019
Learning analytics institutional audit Review of our institutional capacity to engage with learning analytics, and to act on the data we collect. University-wide 2018
Digital education developments 2018 Over the summer, various services were upgraded. University-wide September 2018
Lecture capture in Social Science and Law using the Panopto system

Using an externally-hosted service to make audio, computer screen, and (occasionally) video recordings from lectures available to students in a semi-automated way.

Final recordings being made in Teaching Block 2 and then moving to a read-only service August 2015.

Faculty of Social Sciences and Law only August 2017
Digital classroom event As part of BILT launch we hosted a demonstration of the latest digital classroom technology: a fully configured active learning environment with six collaborative tables and screens, thirty-six chairs, and wireless technology that enables students at each table to share their content and co-create digital information. - July 2017
Blackboard externally-managed hosting We have moved Blackboard to a more robust, reliable managed hosted service. University-wide July 2017
Eesysoft Messaging and Reports Evaluation of the two Eesysoft products which link into Blackboard. 1) Messaging which will allow is to provide context specific support to aid the use of tools in Blackboard. 2) Reports allow us to track use of elements of Blackboard at a granular level. University-wide July 2017
Exhibitor Pro innovation project We have purchased 4 x 1 year licences for Exhibita Pro to support 2nd year History of Art students ‘Virtual Exhibition Curation’ project. The software is also being used by other units within the History of Art dept. History of Art July 2017
Blackboard upgrade and interface improvements Upgrade to newer version. Additional features will include drag and drop of files, an online classroom tool (Collaborate) and a more mobile friendly design. We will take the opportunity to improve the layout and bring the graphical feel in line with other student facing systems. University-wide August 2017
Blackboard Improvement Improve the branding and visual design of Blackboard, rationalise and refine the tools, tabs and top level information shown to staff and students and make recommmendations for service enhancements. University-wide

Improved design - September 2016

Further recommendations - February 2017

Blackboard course consistency There were three parts to this project. Firstly, provide a link in each unit course in Blackboard to information from the unit catalogue. Secondly, carry out an audit of Blackboard courses and consult with staff and student representatives to identify strengths and areas of inconsistency. Finally, set up a group to consult with relevant stakeholders, come up with options and recommendations for improvements including whether “threshold standards” should be put in place. University-wide September 2016
E-marking trials Trials of e-marking practices and e-submission workflows, including in large units with multiple markers. Exploring enriched and efficient feedback including through reusable comments, online rubrics and text annotations on desktops and tablets.

Schools included: Arts, Humanities, Modern Languages, and Economics, Finance and Management.

Selected Schools August 2016
Xerte upgrade Upgrade to Xerte 3.2. Xerte is a platform for developing online teaching materials. University-wide August 2016
TurningPoint migration and extension Synchronised with the roll-out of Office 2016 (part of the Digital Workspace project) in July. University-wide July 2016
Staff development - TEL essentials online course Development of online version of TEL Essentials course. This workshop was initially developed for the CREATE programme. Adaptation of the resources in an online version will make the workshop available to a wider audience as an individual self-paced online course. University-wide June 2016
Curriculum review and development Our expert input into new CRD process, reviewing use of TEL, and considering opportunities for enrichment and enhancement. In curriculum review and development pilot areas August 2015
Questionmark Perception Upgrade 2015 Upgrade of both the software and the server infrastructure of the dedicated online assessment software. University-wide August 2015
TEL Case Studies To rerun the exercise first undertaken in March 2012 which collated examples of good and innovative practice in the use of technology to enhance learning and teaching. University-wide March 2015
PhD thesis online submission Offer a scaleable and simple way for PhD students to submit electronic versions of their dissertations, and ensure that the theses can be checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin service. University-wide January 2015
Blackboard Mobile Learn Pilot of a system allowing activities, information and tools in Blackboard to be easily accessible on a range of mobile devices (iPhone and iPod touch, Android, iPad, Blackberry) via a free app. University-wide September 2014
Blackboard Upgrade 2014 Upgrade the core Blackboard software to add new features, enhance existing functionality and resolve issues with current version and provide a temporary replacement service. University-wide August 2014
Questionmark Upgrade 2014 Upgrade to add new features, enhance existing functionality and design, and fix bugs and issues with the current version. University-wide August 2014
Embedded e-Voting Trial

Loaning students TurningPoint handsets to use in practical classes and lectures. The aim is to evaluate how effectively the technology can be used to:

  • Increase real time feedback
  • Track student attendance
  • Monitor individuals' progress
  • Collect unit/element feedback
480 students on the MB ChB Programme (FMVS and FMDY) October 2013
Arts Faculty eSubmission Support for faculty-wide move to esubmission. Faculty of Arts August 2013
Blackboard Upgrade 2013 Upgrade the core Blackboard software to add new features, enhance existing functionality and resolve issues with current version and provide a temporary replacement service. University-wide August 2013
Open Education review Looking at the work already happening at Bristol around open educational resources (OERs) and related topics, and what work is likely to be needed in the future. University-wide July 2013
Postgraduate support for effective academic writing Postgraduate support for effective academic writing. School of Biological Sciences July 2013
TEL Benchmarking The need to clearly identify and document our activity arose initially out of the TEL Strategy. Undertaking a baselining exercise subsequently became essential both to support our TEL Strategy projects in an informed way, and to identify changes in our activity or practice that result from our TEL Programme activities. The report details activity trends for key technology enhanced learning practices and systems supported by our central team. University-wide July 2013
Review of staff development A short review of our staff support and development provision. University-wide June 2013
PhD thesis online submission: Engineering pilot Pilot an approach to ensure PhD students are able to submit electronic versions of their dissertations, and these can be checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin service. Faculty of Engineering Service launched: 2012/13
Questionmark Blackboard integration Implementation of software allowing Questionmark to share student and staff profiles and grades with Blackboard, and to schedule and run Questionmark assessments within Blackboard. University-wide Pilot completed during 2012/13
Blackboard Upgrade 2012 A number of workpackages, designed to add new features, enhance existing functionality and design, and fix bugs and issues with the current version. Includes a temporary Blackboard replacement service. University-wide September 2012
e-Pens Pilot Exploring the use of e-pens for feedback and marking, and for the production of learning materials involving diagrams and notation. 6-10 academics across several faculties September 2012
Blackboard development project Alongside the annual upgrade of Blackboard software, a wider Blackboard development project to support work to improve Blackboard's performance and extend the ability to pre-populate Blackboard with essential data and information to reduce staff time and improve consistency. University-wide August 2012
Blackboard Performance Audit and Tuning External audit and tuning of the Blackboard Learn software, to assess the stability and reliability of our current environment and to make improvements to the performance. University-wide August 2012
Integrated e-Learning Services (IELS) A major project upgrading Blackboard from the basic "Learning System" to the full "Blackboard Learn" suite. Main features and sub-projects:
  • Content System launch
  • Community System launch
  • eReserves pilot
  • Migration of Faculty of Engineering from WebCT
  • Assignment Handler pilot
  • Medical repository pilot
University-wide August 2012
Blackboard Automated Administration Automation of processes designed to reduce the time school and faculty staff spend on basic administrative activities like creating courses and enrolling users. University-wide January 2012
Questionmark Perception Version 5 Upgrade A major upgrade of both the software version and the server infrastructure of the dedicated online assessment software. University-wide September 2011
Blackboard Upgrade 2011 Upgrade of the core Blackboard functionality to Blackboard 9.1. University-wide July 2011
"Student Expectations": Attitudes to Mobile Learning Survey A survey to identify current use of mobile devices, and identify key things which our students say they need mobile access to. University-wide July 2011
Questionmark Perception Snapshot Exercise Survey and evaluation of the use of Questionmark Perception, used to set priorities for future development of the system. University-wide Covered usage between August 2009 and August 2010
Maths and stats support Building a community to share resources and ideas on maths and stats teaching across a range of subjects. University-wide Open-ended project
Staff survey Design and run a staff survey in 2013 to assess staff engagement with technology enhanced learning (TEL), to understand what barriers stop them from engaging with technology, and to gauge staff views of what they think their needs for our provision of TEL will be in the future. University-wide