There are sources of support and guidance for curriculum development. It is suggested that in the first instance, proposers contact the relevant Faculty Education Director for an initial discussion.
Staff in the Academic Quality and Policy Office (AQPO) can provide advice on structuring programmes (unit sizes, credit points, level of study etc.), assessment practices and innovations, engaging with external reference points, for example subject benchmark statements, and formulating programme and unit aims and outcomes. Please email for further information.
Schools may undertake Curriculum Review and Development (CRD) outside of the regular cycle of the quality assurance framework. It may be triggered for a variety of reasons, including:
The purpose of Curriculum Review would be to renew or rejuvenate a large proportion of the content of a programme or group of programmes (outside the normal annual programme review process).
The Bristol Institute for Learning and Teaching work with programme teams in a range of ways to develop and enhance curricula including curriculum festivals and TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment). They can also offer advice on blended teaching, decolonising the curriculum and other curriculum related areas.