Digital Learning Environment Review

What is the Digital Learning Environment?

The Digital Learning Environment (DLE) consists of the tools and processes that support and enable digital learning, teaching, assessment and collaboration within the University of Bristol. Currently the primary tool is Blackboard, augmented by a range of technologies such as Re/Play, Turnitin, and MS Teams.

The use of these technologies for teaching and learning are supported by the Digital Education Office, who are responsible for the continuous development of the University’s digital education provision.

What is the DLE Review and why are we doing it?

Our goal is to make the student experience better. Our aims are to make sure that we have the right digital tools and that we are using them in the right way, as consistently as we can.

A chance to consult with students, staff and partners, we want to understand the practices and learning experience we need to provide going forward, so we can align our digital learning environment to best meet those needs. We have seen rapid changes in the practices and use of our DLE over the past years, so now is an important opportunity to evaluate our current needs and requirements.

Based on what we discover, the project will propose, prioritise and implement changes to our technologies, practices and processes, to help us in our goal to enhance the student experience.

Who is involved?

The DLE review is a collaborative project between the Digital Education Office and IT Services. The project has an advisory group, made up of staff representatives from across the University, with opportunities for Student Digital Champions and BILT student fellows as well as Bristol SU Sabbatical officers to attend and contribute. Other stakeholders and experts are working to advise the project, for example Disability Services. We are working closely with Bristol SU in order to bring the student voice and better understand the needs and requirements of students.

When is the review happening?

The DLE review began in January 2022. The initial consultation period was completed by June 2022. During this phase, more than 70 academics, professional services and support staff, and students shared their experiences. The Digital Strategy Student Voice Coordinator summarised previous student surveys and consultations, which contributed to this phase.

To keep up to date with the project please visit Digital Learning Environment (

How do I get involved?

We are actively reaching out to as many staff and students as possible. If you have something you’d like to bring to the review and haven’t already had the chance to talk to us, please get in touch.