Examples using runmlwin
MLwiN User Manual
These do-files and log files replicate the analyses reported in the MLwiN User Manual (PDF, 3,933kB). Rasbash, J., Steele, F., Browne, W.J. and Goldstein, H. (2024) Centre for Multilevel Modelling, University of Bristol.
Note that we have not created do-files for Chapters 1, 8 or 19 of the manual as no models are fitted in those chapters. We have also not yet created the do-file for Chapter 17.
- 1 Introducing Multilevel Models
- 2 Introduction to Multilevel Modelling (do | log)
- 3 Residuals (do | log)
- 4 Random Intercept and Random Slope Models (do | log)
- 5 Graphical Procedures for Exploring the Model (do | log)
- 6 Contextual Effects (do | log)
- 7 Modelling the Variance as a Function of Explanatory Variables (do | log)
- 8 Getting Started with your Data
- 9 Logistic Models for Binary and Binomial Responses (do | log)
- 10 Multinomial Logistic Models for Unordered Categorical Responses (do | log)
- 11 Fitting an Ordered Category Response Model (do | log)
- 12 Modelling Count Data (do | log)
- 13 Fitting Models to Repeated Measures Data (do | log)
- 14 Multivariate Response Models (do | log)
- 15 Diagnostics for Multilevel Models (do | log)
- 16 An Introduction to Simulation Methods of Estimation (do | log)
- 17 Bootstrap Estimation
- 18 Modelling Cross-classified Data (do | log)
- 19 Multiple Membership Models
MLwiN MCMC Manual
These do-files and log files replicate the analyses reported in the MLwiN MCMC Manual (PDF, 6,738kB). Browne, W.J. (2024) Centre for Multilevel Modelling, University of Bristol.
Note also that the we still need to add the MCMC options to the runmlwin help file.
- 1 Introduction to MCMC Estimation and Bayesian Modelling (do | log)
- 2 Single Level Normal Response Modelling (do | log)
- 3 Variance Components Models (do | log)
- 4 Other Features of Variance Components Models (do | log)
- 5 Prior Distributions, Starting Values and Random Number Seeds (do | log)
- 6 Random Slopes Regression Models (do | log)
- 7 Using the WinBUGS Interface in MLwiN (do | log)
- 8 Running a Simulation Study in MLwiN (do | log)
- 9 Modelling Complex Variance at Level 1 / Heteroscedasticity (do | log)
- 10 Modelling Binary Responses (do | log)
- 11 Poisson Response Modelling (do | log)
- 12 Unordered Categorical Responses (do | log)
- 13 Ordered Categorical Responses (do | log)
- 14 Adjusting for Measurement Errors in Predictor Variables (do | log)
- 15 Cross Classified Models (do | log)
- 16 Multiple Membership Models (do | log)
- 17 Modelling Spatial Data (do | log)
- 18 Multivariate Normal Response Models and Missing Data (do | log)
- 19 Mixed Response Models and Correlated Residuals (do | log)
- 20 Multilevel Factor Analysis Modelling (do | log)
- 21 Using Structured MCMC (do | log)
- 22 Using the Structured MVN framework for models (do | log)
- 23 Using Orthogonal fixed effect vectors (do | log)
- 24 Parameter expansion (do | log)
- 25 Hierarchical Centring (do | log)
LEMMA Online Multilevel Modelling Course
These do-files and log files replicate the analyses reported in the practicals of the LEMMA Online Multilevel Modelling Course
Note that we have not created do-files for Modules 1, 2, 4 or 8 of the course as there are no practicals for those modules. We have also not yet created the do-files for Modules 9 or 10.