Current Research

The Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group (ACRG) carries out research here at Bristol and worldwide in collaboration with other atmospheric chemistry research centres, universities and third parties. Worldwide the group is involved in the Atmospheric Global Gases Experiment (AGAGE), monitoring global background levels of a wide range of greenhouse gases. The group is actively involved in the verification of UK greenhouse gas emissions through the Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change (DECC) network, as well as wider efforts to quantify greenhouse gas emissions from the UK through the Detection and Attribution of Regional greenhouse gas Emissions in the UK (DARE-UK) project.

The ACRG is a member of the Bristol Biogeochemistry Research Centre (BBRC) and collaborates with other researchers from the University of Bristol through the Cabot Institute. The ACRG has also been involved in a number of previous projects.

Links to data archives are included on the project pages where available. 

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