Widening Participation

We are committed to creating a diverse student community. Our outreach activities nurture talent amongst groups under-represented in higher education, encouraging them to consider university. For those who become our students, there is continued support to help them realise their full potential. Furthermore, the Access Postgrad scheme aims to increase high-quality applications to postgraduate programmes at the University of Bristol from prospective students less likely to pursue postgraduate study with us.


Our teaching technical team delivers a variety of sessions for schoolchildren tailored for different year groups.

Pint of Science

Pint of Science is a non-profit organisation which invites science researchers to share what they do and why they do it with the public. The events take place in casual venues such as pubs and cafes. The annual Pint of Science festival happens over three days in May and happens in hundreds of cities across the world, but sometimes we also hold some one-off events throughout the year.

Soapbox Science

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do. The events transform public areas into an arena for public learning and scientific debate; they follow the format of London Hyde Park’s Speaker’s Corner, which is historically an arena for public debate.

Work Experience

Every year we offer work experience placements for young people in a wide range of areas. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about a career you may be interested in and could also help you decide what to do after your studies.

Access to Bristol

Designed to encourage and inspire pupils who might not otherwise consider going into higher education, Access to Bristol provides local students with an unprecedented opportunity to experience life at the University of Bristol. You will gain special access to the University of Bristol's academic expertise, try out our facilities and work with current students. The Access to Bristol scheme is for students taking A-levels, Access to HE courses or equivalents. Taking part shows a commitment to further study that will strengthen your application when you apply to university.

Futures Scholarship Programme

We are pleased to endorse the Futures Scholarship Programme, a new scholarship launched to attract students from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

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