PGR student leave entitlements

The regulations in this section cover postgraduate research student (PGR) leave entitlements.

Student entitlements to leave

6.1. PGR students are entitled to any relevant types of leave described in this section.

6.2. If a PGR student is funded and/or is studying on a student visa, they must make sure that they do not contravene any terms and conditions, or other requirements, when taking leave. Any relevant funder or visa rules take precedence over student leave entitlements.

Annual leave

6.3. A PGR student is entitled to twenty-five days of holiday each year (on a pro-rata basis for part-time students). This is in addition to University closure days. The student must inform their main supervisor (or nominee) when they wish to take annual leave.

Student visas, annual leave and 'term time'

6.4. Students studying on a student visa are classified as being in ‘term time’ until the date of their oral examination except during periods of annual leave or University closure. A student visa contains working restrictions for students during ‘term time’.

6.5. Students studying on a student visa can request additional annual leave in the period between their submission for examination and their oral examination. If a student is granted additional leave, they will be classified as not being in ‘term time’.

6.6 Students studying on a student visa must request additional annual leave from the School PGR Director, who is responsible for approving these requests and for ensuring that the decision is reported to Student Visas.

6.7. Students studying on a student visa who have been granted additional annual leave must remain in contact with their supervisors in the lead up to the oral examination.

6.8. All students studying on a student visa are classified as not being in ‘term time’ in the period between their oral examination and the date they are considered by the Research Degrees Examination Board. 

6.9. If the Research Degrees Examination Board requires the correction of errors or omissions of substance or requires a resubmission, a student studying on a student visa is classified as being in ‘term time’ while revising their dissertation and until their award is confirmed.

Sick leave

6.10. A PGR student is entitled to take time away from study if they are ill or suffer an injury. The PGR student must inform their main supervisor (or nominee) that they are unable to study because of illness or injury.

6.11. PGR students must consider requesting a suspension if their illness or injury is having a significant impact on their ability to progress with their studies. The period of study section sets out the rules on suspension requests.

Short-term exceptional leave

Reasons for exceptional leave

6.12. A PGR student is entitled to take short-term exceptional leave in an emergency or on compassionate grounds.

6.13. Exceptional leave permits the PGR student to be away from study because of unforeseen circumstances and/or for personal difficulties. Examples of where this type of leave could be required include:

6.13.1. a bereavement;

6.13.2. an emergency domestic situation, such as a fire or burglary; and

6.13.3. an immediate caring response for a dependant who has an emergency caring need.

6.14. A PGR student can take multiple periods of exceptional leave within a year, but the number must be kept to a minimum. The PGR student should consider requesting a suspension if the situation is ongoing or reoccurring.

6.15. PGR students who are funded should refer to the policy on absence payments for PGR students. PGR students must make sure that they are aware of any relevant funder rules.

Notifying the main supervisor

6.16. A PGR student must notify their main supervisor (or a nominee) by email when they take exceptional leave so that there is an electronic record. The email must include a reason for the absence.

6.17. A PGR student can notify their main supervisor (or a nominee) retrospectively if their situation does not allow for an earlier communication.

6.18. If there is an obligation to report on student absences for visa or other requirements, the school can use the email notification from the student for this purpose.

Length of absence

6.19. A period of exceptional leave must not normally exceed five days in length and must be used to address the immediate situation. A PGR student must request a suspension if a longer period is required.

6.20. Bereaved parents are entitled to take a period of two weeks as exceptional leave in the event of the death of a child under 18 years of age. A PGR student in this situation should also consider requesting a suspension.

Exceptional leave and the period of study

6.21. Exceptional leave does not change the period of study or the final submission deadline.

6.22. A PGR student should consider requesting a suspension, which will change their final submission deadline, in the following situations:

6.22.1. The exceptional leave does not fully address their situation and a longer period is required.

6.22.2. There have been multiple periods of exceptional leave that have had an accumulative impact on the student’s ability to study.

6.23. The period of study section sets out the rules on suspension requests.

Leave entitlements for the birth or adoption of a child

Eligibility and other considerations

6.24. PGR students are eligible to apply for a suspension to cover any relevant leave entitlements for the birth or adoption of a child.

6.25. PGR students do not have the statuary entitlements of employees for maternity, adoption, or other parent leave. The University, however, aims to mirror those statutory entitlements where this is possible.

6.26. If a PGR student is funded, they must ensure that they do not contravene their funder’s terms and conditions in taking a leave entitlement. Some funders might have a limit of the number and/or length of suspensions.

6.27. Funded PGR students must refer to the policy on absence payments for PGR students in relation to funding rules for leave entitlements.

6.28. If a PGR student is studying on a student visa, a suspension linked to a leave entitlement might require the University to withdraw sponsorship with a new visa required when the student returns to study. PGR students must seek advice from Student Visas about the implications for a student visa as early as possible.

Maternity leave

6.29. A PGR student can take maternity leave for the birth of a child in line with the following rules:

6.29.1. It can be for a period of up to 52 consecutive weeks of leave.

6.29.2. It can commence at any time from the eleventh week before the expected week of childbirth.

6.29.3. It can be for a shorter period than 52 weeks, but a student must take a least two weeks of leave following the birth of a child.

Adoption leave

6.30. A PGR student can take adoption leave following the placement of a child with an adoptive parent in line with the following rules:

6.30.1. It can be for a period of up to 52 consecutive weeks of leave.

6.30.2. It is acknowledged that adoption arrangements might limit the time for planning when adoption leave will start.

6.30.3. If two students are jointly adopting, only one member of the couple is eligible for adoption leave. The partner can request partner/other parent leave.

6.31. Adoption leave is also applicable where a student fosters a child for adoption or is the intended parent in a surrogacy arrangement.

Partner/other parent leave

6.32. A PGR student can take partner/other parent leave if they are a partner of a person giving birth, a partner of a primary adopter, or is an intended parent in a surrogacy arrangement. The types of partner/other parent leave are as follows:

6.33. ‘Paternity’ leave, which includes same-sex partners, can be taken in line with the following rules:

6.33.1. It can be for up to two consecutive weeks.

6.33.2. It cannot start before the birth or adoption of a child and must be completed with 56 days of the birth or adoption.

6.34. Parental leave can be taken in line with the following rules:

6.34.1. It can be for up to 50 weeks and can be taken in combination with ‘paternity’ leave.

6.34.2. It can normally be taken in up to three blocks or as a continuous period and must be completed within 12 months of the birth or adoption of the child.

6.35. Shared parental leave only applies if a PGR student is employed and meets the employing organisation’s eligibility criteria. The length of a suspension for shared parental leave must align with the employing organisation’s rules.


6.36. If a PGR student suffers a stillbirth after the 24th week of pregnancy, they are still entitled to maternity leave.

6.37. If a PGR student is the partner of someone who suffers a stillbirth after the 24th week of pregnancy, they are still entitled to partner/other parent leave.

Requesting a suspension linked to a leave entitlement

6.38. A PGR student must apply for a suspension to cover any leave entitlement linked to the birth or adoption of a child. When applying for a suspension, a PGR student must provide appropriate evidence, such as a maternity certificate (form MAT B1) or evidence of the placement of a child for adoption. The period of study section sets out the rules on suspension requests.

6.39. A suspension linked to a leave entitlement does not change the final completion limit.