Annual Programme Review (APR): Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why do we have to do the APR?

  2. When should we do the APR?

  3. What programmes do we need to review?

  4. Should we review all programmes at the same meeting?

  5. How should we review programmes that are run jointly by more than one department/school?

  6. What should the report look like?

  7. What is the outcome of the APR?

  8. If the programme has relatively few students is it necessary to review it?

  9. When should we expect the statistical information to be sent?

  10. What if the statistical information provided is not accurate?

  11. Can schools use their own statistics?

  12. What should we do if we decide as a result of the APR that a programme structure needs changing?

  13. What if we haven't received our External Examiners' reports by the time of the review meeting?

  14. Who should I send the APR report to?

If your question is not listed here then please email