Study and assessment support

When you tell us about a disability, you will be offered support based on your specific needs.

Reasonable adjustments

If you are at a disadvantage due to a disability, tell us. We can make recommendations to the way you are taught and assessed through a study support plan. These recommendations are personal to you.

We call these 'reasonable adjustments'.

Reasonable adjustments can include:

  • alternative exam arrangements, such as extra time, rest breaks, or using a PC
  • teaching materials and exams in large print or an electronic format
  • support workers, such as study assistants, readers, scribes, and sign language interpreters
  • changes to field trips and work placements (where possible and appropriate)
  • changes to buildings, teaching venues, labs, or your accommodation (where possible and appropriate)
  • hearing loops (audio induction loops).

Contact us to discuss any requirements not on this list.

Reasonable adjustments do not include:

  • adjustments to academic standards
  • changes to the learning outcomes you must achieve, which must be the same as other students, even if we make changes to how we teach and assess you
  • changes to the standards set by your profession, if your degree programme leads to a professional qualification
  • changes in cases where there would be a health and safety risk to you or others.
  • changes in circumstances when something unforeseen happens, such as if you are unexpectedly ill or injured. In this situation, you will need to apply for exceptional circumstances. You should also let your school know about any unexpected events that could adversely affect your coursework or exam performance.

Alternative exam arrangements

Find out about the deadlines to apply and what to expect in our guide to alternative exam arrangements.

Check your exam timetable

If you have extra time and/or use of a PC, your timetable will differ from your peers. Make sure you check it carefully. If you have additional arrangements, these will be confirmed by email.

Coursework extensions

As part of your study support plan, we may recommend that your school responds sympathetically to coursework extensions. Your school makes the final decision about any extension.

Follow your school’s procedures to request a coursework extension.

Library support

We have a dedicated Library Support team who can help ensure that all library services are accessible to you.

Careers support

Students can access support from the Careers Service throughout their time at the university and for up to 3 years after they graduate. If you are a student or recent graduate with a disability or are neurodivergent, you can:

Assistive technology advice and support

UK students can apply to get assistive technology through the Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) fund. If you are recommended assistive software through DSA, you will be awarded training sessions with an assistive technology trainer.

There are also assistive technology tools available to all students. 

If you are an international student or otherwise not eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) funding, and the technology for learning information does not meet your needs, please contact us to find out whether you are eligible for any assistive software.

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