Technology for learning and equipment loan
Technology can be used to support many areas of your learning including making resources easier to read and more accessible, or using software to compile ideas and information. Below are some tools that you can use to support your learning. We also have small items of ergonomic equipment and Dictaphones that can be loaned for up to 3 months.
Support with reading
Hear text read aloud to aid understanding.
Change background colours.
Use scanning tools to create audio files or alternative formats of printed materials.
Spot errors in your own work.
Read Aloud (Edge) |
Available in Microsoft Edge, load the webpage or PDF you would like read aloud and click Ctrl+Shift+U to automatically enter Read Aloud mode. Alternatively enter 'Immersive Reader' mode to access more options. For more information Microsoft Edge: Read Aloud |
Read Aloud (Word)
Available in Word for Microsoft 365. If you have a Word document there is a read aloud feature built-in to read the text. Guidance document: Word Read Aloud and Immersive Reader (Office document, 709kB) For more information see IT Service's guide to Accessibility tools for Microsoft 365. |
Immersive Reader
Available in Word Online for Microsoft 365. To change the spacing of a document, use reading rulers, change the background colour or display syllable breaks in Word Online, go to the View menu and click Immersive Reader. Guidance document: Word Read Aloud and Immersive Reader (Office document, 709kB) For more information see IT Service's guide to Accessibility tools for Microsoft 365. |
Mac Reader
Apple Macintosh computers (Macs) have a facility built in to read in various programmes. To set up see the guidance document: Mac text to speech (Office document, 21kB) |
Sensus Access
Create alternative formats is a web-based conversion tool. Transfer documents into accessible formats including PDF to Word, MP3 and Braille. Guidance document: Sensus Access alternative formats (Office document, 216kB) |
Blackboard Ally |
The materials you receive through blackboard can be changed into alternative formats including translations, PDF to word and MP3, plus Beeline create an easier format to read. Guidance document: Blackboard Ally (Office document, 315kB) |
Texthelp Read&Write |
Text-to-speech software available in all libraries and study centres. Also from software self service via a university managed laptop. Information and online training here (login required). |
Mind mapping software
- Plan and organise your essay or project in a visual way.
- Take notes in a non-linear visual style.
- See connections and links.
- Collate your notes and materials in one place.
MindView |
Available in all libraries and study centres, and from software self service via a university managed laptop. |
Support with writing
- On-screen writing guidance
- Speak instead of typing
- Avoid difficulties with keyboard use and spelling.
- Get ideas on paper quickly
Grammarly is an online/downloadable program which helps to improve your writing. This includes explaining why areas of your writing need working on. Guidance document: Grammerly (Office document, 129kB) The 'premium' version of Grammarly includes features that make use of artificial intelligence. For more advice on using AI for assessed work see 'When can I use AI?'. |
Dragon Naturally Speaking |
Dragon is available on site to those who already use it in the Meet & Speak Room and Accessible Group Study Room (ASR), Arts and Social Sciences Library. When setting up your profile on a shared PC please use a non-identifiable user name. |
Word Dictate |
Available in Word Online for Microsoft 365. Speak aloud to dictate directly into Word, or transcribe pre-recorded files by uploading them. Guidance document: Transcribing audio in Word (PDF, 644kB) For more information see IT Service's guide to Accessibility tools for Microsoft 365. |
Teams transcription | Transcribe a Teams meeting in real time once the call has begun, the transcribed file will be available to all participants at the end of the call. Guidance document: Teams transcription (PDF, 614kB) |
Screen reading and display enhancement
- Hear text read aloud to aid understanding.
- Enlarge and enhance screen text.
JAWS Screen Reader |
Product information. Available in the Accessible Technology Room, Arts and Social Sciences Library, and PC Room, Queen's Building Library. |
Video captioning | Automatically caption any audio/video playing in your Google Chrome browser (live or recorded). To setup please see the guidance document: Captioning on Chrome (Office document, 21kB) |
Windows magnification | For information see Microsoft's guide to Windows Magnifier |
Mac magnification | Further information to follow** |
AbilityNet My Tech My Way | Simple 'how to' guides to make your device easier to use | My Computer My Way ( |
If specialist assistive technology is required for a disability please contact Disability Services:
Using AI at university
This new online resource looks at:
- when you can use generative AIs (including ChatGTP and Claude)
- how to write good prompts to help you study
- using AI as a tutor
- the grey areas around academic integrity
Find out more
Overview of assistive software
Library Support can provide an introduction to and further information about the assistive software listed.
Ergonomic equipment loan
Equipment you can borrow to adapt your study space, including:
- foot rests
- wrist rests
- back support
- ergonomic mice.
Borrow small items for up to 3 months or discuss equipment available for use within our libraries and study centres.