About our research and funders

With a focus on socially and politically inclusive, sustainable and innovative places to live and work, our particular areas of interest include:

  • urban, regional and global governance and institutions;
  • the life-course and social inequalities;
  • urbanisation;
  • cities and digital technologies;
  • evidence-based public policy making;
  • housing;
  • health;
  • the environment;
  • urban protest.

Much of our research is international, comparative, multi-scalar and transnational analysis reflecting our interest in the ways in which economic, political and social forces interact to influence policy approaches and development in different settings.

Centre staff have active research links with scholars and institutions in Europe, East Asia, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa. The postgraduate members of our Centre, many of whom are studying topics focused on Europe, Latin America and East Asia, contribute to taking our research agenda forward. 

Find out more about our research by exploring our centre research projects and postgraduate research.

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