First Aid
First Aiders volunteer to provide medical treatment to staff, students and visitors to the University. This treatment may be either to preserve life and minimise injury until assistance from the emergency services arrives or to treat minor injuries which do not need the attention of a medical practitioner or nurse.
Local first aid trained staff operate during normal working hours. Out-of-hours first aid assistance is provided by Security Services.
Dial 112233 from any internal phone or 0117 3311223 from a mobile.
First aider updates form
- requesting training for new first aiders
- telling us about staff who have left or moved location.
This form should be filled out by School/Service Safety Advisers (SSAs) only.
First Aid boxes
First aid boxes contain items recommended by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), such as bandages, wound dressings, sterile eye pads, safety pins and plasters.
No medicines like aspirins, paracetamol, ointments or other medication are kept in the first aid box.
First aid personnel are trained only in the administration of first aid, not to administer drugs or medicines.
First Aid guidance
Purpose: Guidance for first aid including risk assessments, first aiders, training and equipment.
Resource: First Aid guidance
First Aid risk assessment
Purpose: Template for completing risk assessments relating to first aid (appendix 1 of the first aid guidance).
Resource: First Aid risk assessment - editable copy and First Aid risk assessment - pdf
Report an accident or incident
Purpose: All accidents and work related illness must be reported no matter who is harmed or the severity of harm. This includes occupationally acquired illnesses diagnosed by a medical practitioner. Serious incidents must be reported first by phone on 0117 4559403 and then an incident report form completed.
These are incidents where there,
- will be lost time from work
- was a broken/fractured bone or dislocated joint
- was loss of a limb, digit or sight (temporary or permanent)
- was loss of consciousness or resuscitation was required
- was admittance to a hospital for more than 24 hours
- was acute illness requiring medical treatment due to chemical or biological agent exposure
We will notify the Health and Safety Executive as required under RIDDOR and investigate the incident as appropriate and liaise with the University's legal and insurance teams where there is a serious incident.
Resource: Use the online reporting system to report accidents, incidents and near misses related to safety and health.
Please note: You need to be on the University network to use this system. If you are working off-site, log into the University VPN.
Online First Aid supplies
Purpose: To re-stock your first aid kits with supplies for common injuries or specific hazards at work
Resource: First Aid supplies order form
First Aid signage
Purpose: For display in buildings to advise where the nearest first aid box is and to highlight the nearest local first Aiders.
Resource: First Aid signage