Areas of research
With multiple key breakthroughs in the past decade that will lead to the development of large-scale quantum technologies in the future, photonics is one of the technological platforms leading the way.
With the development of the resource and the integrated quantum chip, the University of Bristol spearheaded this quantum revolution. Now researchers at the University of Bristol push photonic quantum technologies forward while integrating with other quantum platforms.
The Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Bristol is uniquely placed to bridge the disciplines of physics, engineering, mathematics and computer science. In addition to this, we work closely with chemists, biologists and life scientists.
Our goal is to explore and exploit the fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics while working towards future photonic quantum technologies by generating, manipulating and measuring single photons as well as the quantum systems that emit these photons.
We harness these discoveries and scale them through cutting-edge engineering processes to form practical devices and technologies.
Anticipated future quantum technologies include:
- Quantum communication, which offers perfectly secure communication
- Quantum metrology, which allows more precise measurements than could ever be achieved without quantum mechanics
- Quantum computing, which promises exponentially faster computation for particular tasks.

Impact of Quantum Research
Read about the impact of our research
Quantum physics makes you wonder how and why the world works.