Recent research grants


Reed Z.E (PI), Wootton R.E (CoI), Sallis H.M (CoI), Munafò M.R (CoI), Van De Weijer M (Collaborator), Treur J.L (Collaborator). Exploring the relationship between health and loneliness (2023) Nesta (Invitation to Tender), 2023 £44,999 (non-FEC)



Sallis H. (PI)Wootton R., Pearson R., Stone C., Skinner A. Understanding Causal Predictors of Mental Wellbeing – data collection using EMA. EBI Mental Health Research next steps. 2022. £12,409.

Viding, E., McCrory, E., Pingault, J-B., Penton-Voak, I.S., & Munafo, M.R. Prosocial behaviour in children with conduct problems: Investigating putative cognitive-affective mechanisms and their malleability MRC MR/V033905/1, £788000 (2022-2025)



Dyer M.L (PI) and Attwood A.S. (CoI). Implementing ENACT: Evidence-Based Novel Alcohol Communication Materials. (2021) ESRC Impact Acceleration Account 

Reed Z.E (PI), Attwood A.S (CoI), Mahmoud O (CoI). Optimising translation of an emotional face processing intervention for autistic children (2021) University of Bristol-Wellcome Trust, Institutional Translation Partnership Award £75,956.10 (non-FEC)

Sallis H. (PI), Jones H., Hines L., Heron J., Munafò M., Northstone, K. Smoking behaviours and transitions to vaping in early adulthood: Investigating predictors with longitudinal data. CRUK Project Grant. 2021-2023. £354,821.



Attwood A.S. (PI) and Munafo M. R. Exploring impact of e-cigarette flavours on cigarette craving in smokers and vaping attitudes in adolescents. (2020) Public Health England small grant £46,800 (non-fEC)



Bauld, L., Munafò M. R., Fitgerald, N., Petticrew, M., Gilmore, A., Brown, J., Brennan, A., Pearce, J., Langley, T., McNeill, A., Collin, J., Syrett, K.J., Moore, G., Friel, S., Britton, J., Reid, G., O'Connor, R., Dockrell, M., Bishop, J. SPECTRUM: Shaping Public hEalth poliCies To Reduce ineqUalities and harM. (2019-2024) UK Prevention Research Partnership, £5,803,657

Penton-Voak. I.S., Kessler, D., Wiles, N., Fallon, S. & Munafo M.R. “fMRI investigation of the neural mechanisms of Emotional Cognitive Bias Modification as an adjunct therapy to SSRIs in depression” MRC EMCG grant MR/S035648/1, £496,000 (2019-2024)



Attwood A. S. (PI), Jarrold C., Griffiths S., Penton-Voak I. S., Munafò M. R. (2018) AboutFace: Development of a novel emotional training app for autism spectrum disorder. Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Confidence in Concept Award. £67,998 (non-fEC).

Attwood A. S.Maynard O. M., Lawlor D., Munafò M. R. (2018) MRC Capital Award, £72,000 (non-fEC).

Marteau, T.M. (PI), Hollands, G., Fletcher, P., Munafò, M.R. Behaviour change by design. Wellcome (2018-2021), Collaborative Award 206853/Z/17/Z, £3,123,724.



Attwood A.S. (PI), Munafò M.R. Developing caffeine reduction interventions in quitting smokers. MRC Public Health Intervention Development Scheme (2017-2019), £149,993 (fEC).

Maynard, O.M. Smoking kills, but you can quit: Threat and efficacy messaging to prevent tobacco smoking among adults and adolescents. ESRC New Investigators Award (2017-2019), £284,844 (fEC). 

Middeldorp, C. (PI), Plomin, R., Lundstrom, S., Munafò, M.R., Tiemeier, H., Lichstenstein, P., van den Berg, S., Fanos, V., Jarvelin, M.-R., Drevets, W. Childhood and adolescence psychopathology: Unravelling the complex aetiology by a large interdisciplinary collaboration in Europe. Horizon 2020 (2017-2021), European Training Network 721567, €3,163,688.

Moodie, C., Maynard, O.M. Adult smokers’ perceptions of pack inserts with positive messaging about cessation: A naturalistic study. Cancer Research UK Tobacco Advisory Group Project Award (2017-2018), £56,928.11, (fEC).

Munafò, M.R. (PI), Bishop, D.V.M., Chambers, C. Advanced empirical methods for reproducible science. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (2017-2020), Strategic Training Award for Research Skills BB/N019660/1.

Taylor, G., Aveyard, P., Kessler, D., Munafò, M.R. Acceptability and feasibility of a bespoke smoking cessation intervention for people with depression in community mental health settings, 36 months, Cancer Research UK Post-Doctoral Population Researcher (2017-2020), Fellowship Award, £502,378.



Maynard, O.M., Munafò, M.R. Know Your Limits: Labelling interventions to reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol Research UK (2016-2017), Small Grant SG 15/16 222, £7,478.

Thomas, K. (PI), Caldwell, D., Gunnell, D., Munafò, M.R., Stevenson, M., Welton, N. How do smoking cessation medicines compare with respect to their neuropsychiatric safety: a systematic review, network meta-analysis and cost effectiveness analysis. NIHR (2016-2018), Project Grant 15/58/18, £261,106.



Crosier, A. (Co-PI), McVey, D. (Co-PI), Munafò, M.R. (Co-PI) Cut Films: Evaluating a filmmaking and social media peer education intervention to prevent the uptake of smoking among young people. Cancer Research UK (2015-2017), Project Grant C22555.

Hickman, M. (PI), Heron, J., Drummon, C., David, A., Jones, D., Field, M., Kaner, E., Lewis, G., Lingford-Hughes, A., Meier, P., Brennan, A., Lynskey, M., Schumann, G., Davey Smith, G., Lawlor, D., Lewis, S., MacLeod, J., Munafò, M.R., Tilling, K., Sheron, N. Excessive drinking and alcohol related harms in adulthood: ALSPAC at 24. Medical Research Council and Alcohol Research UK (2015-2019), Project Grant MR/L022206/1.

Maynard, O.M. (PI), Munafò, M.R. Using cognitive neuroscience to improve the effectiveness of tobacco health warnings. Cancer Research UK (2015-2017), Project Grant C51287.

Taylor, A.E. (PI), Davies, N.M., Thomas, K., Munafò, M.R. Investigating the effectiveness of varenicline for long-term smoking cessation and its impact on longer-term health outcomes in a real world setting. Pfizer (2015-2017), Global Research Awards for Nicotine Dependence.



Davey Smith, G. (Co-PI), Burton, P. (Co-PI), Molloy,L., Ring, S., Kordas, K., Lawlor, D., Macleod, J., Northstone, K., Tilling, K., Tobias, J., Relton, C., Timpson, N., Henderson, A., Munafò, M.R., Ala-Korpela, M., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Gaunt, T., Craddock, I., Coyle, D., Evans, D., Crosby, J., Lewis, G., Lynch, J., Sterne, J. The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children: An international resource for population genomic and lifecourse epidemiology. Wellcome Trust (2014-2019), Strategic Award 10215/Z/13/Z.

Nutt, D. (Co-PI), Goldstone, T. (Co-PI), Lingford-Hughes, A., Munafò, M.R. Do appetitive gut hormones attenuate core behavioural components of addiction as new targets to prevent relapse in nicotine and alcohol dependence? Medical Research Council (2014-2018), Experimental Medicine Challenge Grant MR/M007022/1. 



Britton, J. (PI), Amos, A., Ashcroft, R.E., Aveyard, P., Bauld, L., Brennan, A., Casswell, S., Coleman, T., Collin, J., Field, M., Gilmore, A., Gilmore, I., Griffin, C.E., Hajek, P. Hastings, G., Leonardi-Bee, J., Lewis, S., McNeill, A.D., Meier, P., Michie, S.F., Munafò, M.R., Parrott, S., West, R.J. The UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS). Medical Research Council (2013-2018), Centre Grant MR/K023195/1.

Craddock, I.J. (PI), Campbell, N., Merrett, G., Hamilton-Shield, J., Ascione, R., Ashburn, A.M., Gooberman-Hill, R., Hilton, G.S., Macleod, J., Beeby, S.P., Flach, P.A., Sundstrom, L.E., Sherratt, R.S., Munafò, M.R., Paul, D.L., Gilchrist, I.D., Ness, A.R., Lewis, G., Piechocki, R.J., Coyle, D.T., Mirmehdi, M., ter Meulen, R., Blom, A., Holderbaum, W., Cooper, A.R., Stark, B.H., Harwin, W., Tavare, J., Davey-Smith, G., Al-Hashimi, B. SPHERE - a Sensory Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (2013-2018), Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration EP/K031910/1.

Davey-Smith, G., Lawlor, D.A., Relton, C., Evans, D., Timpson, N.J., Munafò, M.R. MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit (IEU). Medical Research Council (2013-2018), University Unit MC_UU_12013/1-9.

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