
‌School Research Director: Professor Chris Jarrold


Mission: Our School’s mission is to deliver original, rigorous, and significant research into human cognition, emotion, and behaviourin order to advance the scientific discipline of psychology, and to provide outstanding, research‐led teaching that equips our undergraduate and post‐graduate students for a range of futures both within psychology and beyond. We aim to produce world‐class research that can help people and societies to maximise their potential.

The School's research profile is structured into three themes: Health and Wellbeing, Mind and Brain, and Self and Society. A focus on Responsible Research is common to each theme and is central to all our research activity. 


We welcome applications from prospective PhD students and information about PhD projects and potential funding options is available here. If you would like to apply to join our school as a post-doctoral research fellow, please see here for a list of available funding sources and contacts. 


Responsible Research 

Responsible research is a common, cross-cutting, feature of our all our research activity. As a School we strive to produce research that is ethical, inclusive, rigourous, transparent, and open. Members of the School were instrumental in the establishment of the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) and we continue to be heavily involved in both this network and other open science initiatives. Our collective ambition is to continue to champion responsible research at national and international levels, while also reflecting on and improving our own adherence to these principles. 

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