ChildRen with Eczema Antibiotic Management study
CREAM was a 3-arm, double-blind, randomised controlled trial to determine the clinical and cost effectiveness of the most commonly used oral and topical antibiotics, in addition to topical corticosteroids, in the management of suspected infected atopic eczema in children.
CREAM was based in general practices in Wales, Scotland, and the West of England. Primary care clinicians idetified children (aged under 7) with eczema and features suggestive of infection. Children with severe infections or conditions making them more vulnerable to infection were excluded from the study. Following informed consent from a parent/guardian, children were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups (all for one week): 1. Oral antibiotic and placebo cream, 2. oral placebo and antibiotic cream, or 3. oral placebo and placebo cream. All participants received standard advice about eczema care and corticosteroid cream(s) (moderate potency for trunk and limbs, mild for face).
The CREAM Study was funded by the Health Technology Assessment Programme of the National Institute for Health Research. The chief investigators were Dr Nick Francis and Professor Frank Sullivan. Dr Matthew Ridd was the Bristol PI.
More information (including outputs) is available on the CREAM study website.