Our competitive Specialised Foundation Programme offers you protected time for a research project as well as training in clinical academic medicine. It provides an opportunity, early on, for some of our brightest graduates to do research.

You will work with internationally-renowned research teams across a range of specialties extending from laboratory science-based investigations to genetic epidemiology and from community-based to tertiary specialist services.  These specialties include:

  • Anaesthetics, Pain and Critical Care Sciences
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Clinical Epidemiology/Public Health
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Haematology
  • Neurology
  • Nutrition
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  • Oncology
  • Opthamology
  • Paediatrics
  • Primary Health Care
  • Psychiatry
  • Renal medicine
  • Respiratory medicine
  • Rheumatology
  • Surgery

Information about the programme

More information on the Specialised Foundation Programme can be found here

Why choose the Severn programme?

Unlike other Specialised Foundation programmes, you can choose your research project area and clinical rotations independently. This allows us to tailor the programme to your interests. We also have a carefully constructed and protected training environment including a focused academic teaching programme. This gives you the opportunity to network with peers to share learning on a weekly basis. We want our trainees to feel part of a larger cohort of clinical academic trainees and aim to integrate them tightly into our research teams.  

The programme is complemented by quality clinical training opportunities through Bristol-based hospital placements where you can gain excellent experience.

The objective of our programme is to kick-start the careers of clinical academics. 

  • We offer mentorship from experienced clinical academics across specialties and also access to careers support at Severn PGME.


The co-Heads of the School for the Specialised Foundation Programme are Dr Sarah Westbury and Dr Timothy Robinson and the School Administrator is Ms Marie Burgess. All are based at the University of Bristol.

Our trainees

We currently host 30 trainees in the Specialised Foundation Programme.

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