Laboratory Facilities

We are a unique national research facility with state-of-the-art instrumentation focused on biogeochemical processes in aquatic and terrestrial systems, including low temperature environments.

As part of the national Green Lab Accreditation scheme, our laboratory technicians have achieved the Silver Accreditation. Reducing the environmental impact of our STEM buildings will play a pivotal role in enabling us to meet our climate targets.

Green Labs Newsletter November 2019

The Analytical Laboratory supports research carried out by the Bristol Glaciology Centre and the Hydrology Group as well as postgraduate and undergraduate projects.

We investigate a wide range of environmental factors and processes:

  • Microbial and chemical processes in surface and subglacial environments
  • The physiology and adaptations of microbial populations to extreme environments
  • The pathways, transformations and fate of pollutants, nutrients and organic matter in freshwater systems
  • Carbon and Nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gases in terrestrial systems
  • Environmental change through the analysis of sediments and fossils
  • Experimental investigations and modelling of hydrological and sediment transport processes

We also offer bespoke analytical and consultancy services upon request. For more information please contact Dr Fotis Sgouridis.

Laboratory Manager

Dr Fotis Sgouridis

Tel. Lab: +44 (0)1173 317425
Tel. Office: +44 (0)1179 288078

Analytical Services

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