The Petrology Group
Research Highlights
Hydrous silicate melts and the deep mantle H2O cycle
In situ observation of nanolite growth in volcanic melt: A driving force for explosive eruptions
The fate of carbonate in oceanic crust subducted into earth’s lower mantle
Structural Ordering in Liquid Gallium under Extreme Conditions
Slab melting as a barrier to deep carbon subduction
Generation of porphyry copper deposits by gas–brine reaction in volcanic arcs
Frequency and magnitude of volcanic eruptions controlled by magma injection and buoyancy
Linking Petrology and Seismology at an Active Volcano
Petrology Group members involved in €3.5m project to study processes behind volcanic unrest
Deep Mantle Cycling of Oceanic Crust: Evidence from Diamonds and their Mineral Inclusions
Petrology Group member Jon Blundy wins Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award
Primary carbonatite melt from deeply subducted oceanic crust
Petrology Group member Jon Blundy elected to Fellow of the Royal Society

The Petrology Group uses a combination of innovative high-pressure and high-temperature experiments and computer simulations coupled with petrological and geochemical analysis of rocks to attack a wide range of problems in the solid Earth ranging from the shallow crust to the core.
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Find out about what we are working on.
A list of recent publications by members of the Petrology Group.
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