Dr. Rachael Miles

Rachael Miles (REHM) is the EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science Course Manager and a Lecturer. See further details on the CDT website.

After graduating from the University of Cambridge in 2005 with an MSci in Natural Sciences (Chemistry), REHM moved to the University of Bristol where she completed her PhD under the supervision of Professors J.P. Reid and A.J. Orr-Ewing. From 2009, REHM worked as a senior postdoctoral researcher in the Bristol Aerosol Research Centre on a wide range of projects funded by both the EPSRC and the NERC. Her research interests focus on the physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosol particles and their applications in atmospheric science and industry, in particular the use of the kinetics of heat and mass transfer to study aerosol hygroscopicity, surface processes and ultraviscous bulk states. She has extensive experience in instrument development and the use of light scattering to probe aerosol properties.

REHM has worked with academia, industry and research institutes, performing consultancy work and undertaking a 3 month Knowledge Transfer Exchange with instrument developers Biral. REHM was promoted to Research Associate in the Bristol Aerosol Research Centre in December 2014. REHM has over 50 peer reviewed publications (2021) with an h-index of 25 in the fields of physical chemistry and aerosol science, and has acted as a reviewer for the National Science Foundation and the journals Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Aerosol Measurement Technology, and Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. In 2011, REHM received the SET for Britain Silver Award in Physical Sciences (Chemistry) at an event held in the Houses of Parliament, UK.

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