Dr. Bryan Bzdek

Bryan is a Proleptic Associate Professor in the School of Chemistry. He earned a B.S. degree at Bucknell University, where he performed undergraduate research on clay minerals with Molly M. McGuire. He earned a Ph.D. at the University of Delaware with Murray V. Johnston, where he studied atmospheric nanoparticle growth mechanisms. He performed postdoctoral studies with Jonathan P. Reid, and then began his independent career at the University of Bristol in 2017.

His research on the physical and analytical chemistry of aerosols spans applications in atmospheric science and health. Bryan is a recipient of the Juan de la Mora Prize and the Sheldon K. Friedlander award from the American Association for Aerosol Research. In 2022, he received the Philip Leverhulme Prize. During the COVID-19 pandemic, his research altered UK government guidance in the performing arts and the NHS infection control and prevention manual. He also gave many print and radio interviews about aerosols and COVID-19 to organisations including US public radio, BBC, CBS, and CNN.

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Bzdek Group Website

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