Dr. Allen Haddrell
Allen E. Haddrell (AEH) is a Research Fellow at the University of Bristol. His research interests include aerosols, aerosol toxicity and pharmacology, atmospheric chemistry, proteomics, and instrumentation development. He has over 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals (2021) and has delivered 12 invited presentations at international conferences and institutions.
After completing his PhD at Simon Fraser University (SFU, Canada) in 2007, AEH was recruited by Dr. Andre Nel (Director of the UC Center for the Environmental Impact of Nanotechnology (CEIN), Director of the Center for Nanobiology + Predictive Toxicology, and Co-Director of the UCLA Nanomachine Center) to work at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA, USA) as a research fellow to study the toxicity of particulate air pollution. The work undertaken while in UCLA was funded by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through the award of a prestigious fellowship to AEH. In 2009 AEH moved to the University of Bristol (UB, UK) as a research assistant to work on aerosol dynamics and drug delivery to the lungs at the Bristol Aerosol Research Centre (BARC). Since 2013 AEH has held an Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research (EBI) Early Career Fellowship.
AEH's research career has centred on aerosol science, with a specific interest in the development of methodology and instrumentation, involving numerous particle levitation techniques. Research undertaken by AEH has explored the tropospheric processing of particulate air pollution, the complex interaction between aerosol composition/size and human health, and the behaviour of suspended microorganisms.