Sydney Charitos

Project title:

Developing a digital Ecological Momentary assessment tool for use with paediatric populations with chronic pain


Dr Jon Bird, Department of Computer Science; Dr Amberly Brigden, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

General profile: 

In 2021 I graduated from the University of Edinburgh receiving a Masters in Engineering, specifically in Electronics and Computer Science with First Class Honours. My final Masters project at its essence was the development of a system to allow better human/robot interaction (HRI) via optimisation of both kinematic and dynamics properties.  

My supervisor for this project was involved in research into the field of rehabilitation and throughout my project I learnt how critical HRI was for the medical discipline. This project forced me to think more about how technology can impact the world, especially in a health setting and in effect led me to the Digital Health and Care CDT programme.  

I was particularly interested in the Bristol programme owing to their focus on responsible and ethical research. I hope to continue this theme throughout my PhD and to try and tackle problems that will improve accessibility, understanding and medical support for groups that are often ignored. 

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