Research groups
Learn more about the University of Bristol Business School's challenge-led interdisciplinary research themes:
Research Excellence Framework (REF)
The 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) rated 88 per cent of the research in Business and Management as 'world leading' or 'internationally excellent' (3*/4*).
Accountability, sustainability and governance
The Accountability, Sustainability and Governance group investigates broad issues of accountability and governance in both the public and private sectors.
Action Research and Critical Inquiry in Organisations (ARCIO)
Contributing to positive changes in organisations and the wider community.
With recent hires at junior and senior levels Bristol now has a banking research group that is among the largest in the UK. The group focuses on undertaking original research at the highest academic standards, and is useful for practitioners and regulators in the banking industry.
Business Education Research and Scholarship Network
A research network committed to developing innovation and establishing best practice in Business School education, across all its disciplines.
Corporate finance
The Corporate Finance group undertakes high-calibre empirical and theoretical research across all key areas of corporate finance and governance. Members of the group actively collaborate with academics and practitioners nationally and internationally to address challenges modern corporations face.
Financial markets
The Financial Markets Research Group covers a broad range of topics, producing research of the highest international standard.
Financial reporting
The Financial Reporting Group (FRG) conducts academic and policy-related research on financial reporting and auditing, with particular emphasis on the importance and limitations of corporate reporting in informing decisions and influencing behaviour.
Global political economy
Critical perspectives on the dynamics of change in the contemporary global economy.
Innovation and digitalisation
Our research focuses on innovation and new digital and immersive technologies, considering individual, social and political impact.
Management accounting
The management accounting group has a long tradition of research and engagement with practice. The research covers a broad range of practices with interests in a range of organizational and institutional settings.
Public services governance and management
Public services governance and management beyond public sector organisations.
Resilient and sustainable supply chains
Bringing together work from management, supply chain management, international business, and beyond the Business School into engineering, chemistry, physics, geography and data science.
Sustainable production & consumption and inclusive economy
Fostering organisational and societal transitions for sustainable and inclusive futures.
Work futures
Our academics collaborate with businesses, unions, policymakers, civil society organisations and social movements to help shape the future of work. In an uncertain world characterised by political, environmental and technological transformation, our research expands the capacity for working people to have power, agency and control over the changing world of work.