Case studies

  • Mood Music—how streaming services can help mental health studies  9 July 2024 Analysing social media use can offer a novel and fascinating insight into a population’s behaviour patterns, but it can come with challenges. Users of social media often consume rather than create content, which can mean that not everyone is represented in the data. It can also be ethically challenging, as social media data often includes personal information, and so needs to be handled in a way that respects that. However, music streaming is both easier to measure than social media consumption and less personal than the information shared, so researchers from the University of Bristol are exploring how these data could yield useful insights into mental health and behaviour.
  • Autism and Emotion Recognition – a translational approach 16 May 2024 Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that occurs in childhood affecting 1-3% of the population, with many more presenting with autistic traits. Atypical emotional processing is often experienced by autistic individuals, including difficulties in recognising facial emotional expressions.
  • Immune cell therapy provides hope for cancer tumour treatment 3 April 2024 Researchers at the University of Bristol are offering a glimmer of hope to patients with advanced cancer with a potentially powerful new treatment avenue.
  • Inclusion, decolonising and dentistry 27 March 2024 A new study from the University of Bristol seeks to understand the barriers and facilitators of inclusion for dental students, ensuring that every new student, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or background, has access to the same opportunities and facilities.
  • Surgical Smoke – how best to persuade patients who face surgery to keep off tobacco 13 March 2024 Researchers from the University of Bristol investigate the best way to help surgical patients to stop smoking.
  • Towards understanding the relationship between age, breast development and breast cancer 30 January 2024 Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK: every month, an estimated 4,000 new cases are diagnosed. Throughout a woman’s lifetime, however, the risk of developing the disease varies greatly. Early puberty, for example, is associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer, whereas pregnancy before the age of 20 is associated with a decreased risk - but the biological reasons aren’t clear.
  • A potential link between intestinal microbes and respiratory infections 11 January 2024 Could the vast population of microbes that we all carry around with us hold the key to understanding more about respiratory tract infections?
  • Building collaborative research relationships through creative activities 11 January 2024 Engaging in creative activities can help to shift the power dynamics between public contributors and researchers, according to a paper published in BMC Research Involvement and Engagement. However, collaborative projects need to work for everyone and taking community-led ideas forwards remains challenging.
  • Raising menopause awareness 14 December 2023 The menopause is the time in a woman’s life when menstrual periods stop, and she is no longer able to bear children. It typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Despite the menopause being a natural stage of life with treatable symptoms, rather than a disease or a disorder, it is considered a somewhat taboo subject. Research is helping to improve people's understanding of menopause and open up conversations.
  • Smart Digital Assistants – a glimpse into the future of the GP surgery? 28 November 2023 With the pressures that the National Health Service and primary care in particular are under, the use of new technologies might permit General Practitioners to deliver better care in the short time they are allocated to each patient.
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