What are the costs of using the Research Data Storage Facility (RDSF)?
5TB of Research Data Storage Facility disk storage per Data Steward are provided to University Staff who Principal Investigators this provision is currently free at the point of access.
Requests above 5TB of disk storage per Data Steward will be charged, based on the requirement. New annual costs for this storage have been approved by the University's TRAC (Transparent Approach to Costing) committee and can now be added in worktribe, under Research Facilities.
The cost for 1 TB of storage per year on the RDSF is £95.22. This TRAC facility cost was confirmed on 1st Feb 2024.
If you are a data steward or deputy data steward and wish to purchase additional research data storage for an existing RDSF project please email rdsf-help@bristol.ac.uk with details of the additional storage you require, please include the RDSF project name, and the approximate start and end dates of your research project.
It is also now possible to request additional RDSF data storage via the IT service desk system Halo.
Guidance on how to use this new annual costing model is being developed with Finance Costing Specialists and Academic Stakeholders. For most funders the annual storage costs can only be charged for the years the research project / grant is active. The University is aware that there is usually a commitment to safely retain data after the lifetime of the grant which cannot (in 2024) be included in these costs.
Please email grp-acrc-facilitators@groups.bristol.ac.uk and your finance costing specialist if you have costings questions for grant applications and your post award specialist if you need to purchase RDSF storage.
Email rdsf-help@bristol.ac.uk for support.