University Education Directors
The University Education Directors for Quality are:
The University Education Directors for Quality have a key role in supporting the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) to deliver significant areas of the education strategy. Although they have distinct portfolios they work with the Associate Pro Vice-Chancellors and Faculty Education Directors.
University Education Director for Quality
The main responsibilities of the post are to:
- Oversee, support and facilitate the implementation of the University framework for quality and standards of learning, teaching and assessment
- Ensure that (i) the assurance of academic standards and (ii) the enhancement of the quality of the Bristol University student experience are aligned with University strategic priorities, regulations, policies and guidance, and external reference points such as the UK Quality Code, and are operating consistently and, as intended, across the University
- Contribute actively to the work of, the University Academic Standards and Quality Committee
- Lead monitoring and review activity (including Periodic Programme Revalidation) involving discussions with faculties, schools and other centres of activity within the University to establish the means by which academic standards and the quality of the student experience are maintained and enhanced, as appropriate
- Ensure that areas where support may be needed to bring about desired or necessary improvement are brought to the attention of those individuals and/or bodies best placed to address issues raised
- Identify instances where timely interventions are required to mitigate any potential risk of quality and standards being compromised
- Lead on the identification, development and sharing of good practice on a University-wide basis in conjunction with the Bristol Institute of Learning and Teaching and through engagement with the wider academic and student community to promote an inclusive learning community
- Provide a focal point for cross-institutional learning by leading on lessons learned from their experience of reviewing provision or on the basis of thematic activity undertaken
- Engage with the sector and relevant interest groups in contributing to the further development of the external regulatory framework as it applies to the University, ensuring that the University’s voice is sought, heard and valued in national debate and discussion.