Our staff

Find out who works at the Student Health Centre


Practice manager: Louise Jones 

Office managers: Mary Mellor and Katie McNeil

For administrative questions, email the office staff: bnssg.shsadmin@nhs.net.


  • Dr Jo Temple, Head of Service 
  • Dr Joanne Mobbs, Deputy Head of Service
  • Dr Cathy Burns 
  • Dr Bushra Shahid 
  • Dr Amy Goodfellow 
  • Dr Jasmin Krischer 
  • Dr Gemma Murray 
  • Dr Sarah Owen 
  • Dr Louise Clift 
  • Dr Melanie Jordan 
  • Dr Hannah Rumble 
  • Dr Jemma Harfield 
  • Dr Michelle Guest
  • Dr Simon Flower
  • Dr Muntarin Kakita
  • Dr Alan Coombs
  • Dr Chloe Petitt
  • Dr. Sarah Clarke


  • Sarah Windatt, Nursing Team Manager and Nurse Prescriber 
  • Sam Gaudion, Nurse Prescriber 
  • Joanne Chambers, Practice Nurse  
  • Nicola Brown, Health Care Assistant 
  • Angela Naish, Health care Assistant
  • Adele Broad, Practice Nurse
  • Anna Kfaterska, Practice Nurse
  • Kat Chown, HCA
  • Cath Vickery, HCA

Mental Health Specialist Nurses

We are also very pleased to have specialised Mental Health Nurses working with Student Health:

  • Amy Chrzanowski 
  • Jolene Bereza
  • Callum Higgs

First Contact Physiotherapists

We have two very experienced physiotherapists working at Student Health who can do an initial assessment, request X-rays and scans if appropriate and recommend exercises and self-care advice for common joint and muscle conditions and injuries: 

  • Lucy Bourne 
  • Will Adams

GP Earnings

All GP practices are required to declare the earnings (average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at the practice. From 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023the average pay for GPs working in the Students' Health Service was £48,446 before tax and national insurance. This is for 18 part-time GPs working in the practice for 6 months or more.

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