MBChB Medicine - Ethics and Law

The Centre for Ethics in Medicine provides teaching on ethics and law throughout the MBChB. Our aim is to ensure that students graduate with core competencies in ethics and law, and the ability to critically reflect on ethical and legal issues affecting their own practice and affecting the profession as a whole.

Our MBChB ethics and law curriculum is informed by both the GMCs Outcomes for Graduates and the core curriculum published by the Medical Education Group of the UK's Institute of Medical Ethics.

Learning is spread over 5 years, supported by a range of different activities including seminars, lectures, student directed learning and written assessment

Student Selected Component (SSCs)

Students at varying stages in their MBChB career have the opportunity to conduct focussed study on a topic of their choosing.

The Centre for Ethics in Medicine provides supervision for these student selected components, allowing MBChB students to spend time researching an area of ethics and law that interests them.  Topics have included, but are not limited to:

  • End of life decision-making
  • Justice in healthcare
  • Genetics in paediatrics and reproduction
  • Palliative care
  • Reproductive ethics
  • Normative ethical theory


For more information about our MBChB teaching, please contact us.

For infomation about the MBChB as a whole, please go to the MBChB Medicine page.

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