News in 2017

  • Bristol Law students participate in international moots held in India and Warsaw 1 February 2017 It has been a busy year so far with University of Bristol Law students participating in numerous intervarsity mooting competitions in the UK and abroad. Teams of Law School students recently tested their advocacy skills in two prestigious intervarsity mooting competitions across the globe.
  • Call the Midwife. We’re providing legal advice. 27 January 2017 The first episode of the new Call the Midwife series came with disturbing scenes of domestic abuse. Advice from the Law School’s Dr. Emma Hitchings helped the BBC accurately portray the legal barriers of women trapped in such situations in the 1960s.
  • The Brexit judgment: An opportunity lost? 27 January 2017 Since the Supreme Court judgment earlier this week the Brexit story has evolved daily. The Law School’s Brexit Team is making sense of proceedings and asks if the judgment represents a lost opportunity to create a more robust environment defining how we exit and trade in the future?
  • A tribute to Professor Sir Nigel Rodley 26 January 2017
  • PhD Funding Available 26 January 2017 Check our Fees and Funding page for more information. Deadlines are soon.
  • Law School alumni amongst Singapore’s 70 most influential lawyers aged 40 and under 20 January 2017 Alumni Jansen Chow and Nicholas Lauw recognised for their role in shaping Singapore’s legal industry
  • #8to10BerkeleySQ: We’re in! 17 January 2017 Home to the next generation of change makers, this week staff and students move into 8-10 Berkeley Square
  • Dr Elina Steinerte starts work with the UN Refugee Agency 4 January 2017 In December 2016, Dr Elina Steinerte started work on a one-year project with the UN Refugee Agency. The project will support the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) develop a global technical assistance and capacity building programme for national authorities and civil society actors to prevent the detention of children and implement and/or strengthen alternatives to detention for asylum-seeking children and other asylum-seekers
  • Doctors, medical errors, and the justice system 4 January 2017 The Law School's Dr. Oliver Quick was recently interviewed for a feature in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). 'Doctors, Medical Errors and the Justice System' discusses the successful appeal of Dr David Sellu against his manslaughter conviction and reflects on the problems of interpreting the criminal test of "gross negligence" in this context.'
  • New Book: Naughton, Claims of Innocence 26 November 2010 An introduction to wrongful convictions and how they might be challenged is the focus of a new book, written by Dr Michael Naughton, Senior Lecturer, School of Law and School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS), University of Bristol.
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