The University has a unified grading structure. All job roles are allocated a grade through the job evaluation or role profile matching process outlined below. Each job role is also placed in one of the following four job families:
The only job roles that are not included in the unified grading structure are the clinical academic job roles.
Before a job in the Research and Teaching job family can be advertised the recruiting manager will need to have selected the appropriate academic career pathway and role profile so that this information can be entered by the Faculty/ Dvisional HR Team when the details are submitted through the eRecruit system for advertising.
Before a job that will not be in the Research and Teaching job family - broadly, all ‘non-academic’ roles - can be advertised it must have been evaluated through the University of Bristol Job Evaluation Scheme (UBJES). This process will determine the appropriate grade and job family and therefore must be followed for new job roles or existing jobs that have significantly changed.
The only job roles that are not subject to the UBJES or role profile matching process are Clinical Academic job roles, which are subject to NHS pay scales.
In order to maintain its position of excellence, the University must be able to recruit and retain high quality staff whose particular expertise may be in short supply; the Recruitment and Retention Payment policy provides a mechanism to address such market conditions, whilst maintaining the link between pay and job evaluation, through a separately identified addition to the salary range for a role.