Recruitment and Retention Supplements

The University competes in the local, national and international market for talented staff of high calibre. To maintain its position of excellence, it must be able to recruit and retain high quality staff whose particular expertise may be in short supply.

The University is committed to the principles of equal pay for work of equal value and employs a factor based job evaluation scheme based on the Hay methodology to determine the appropriate grade for all roles.

A recruitment and retention payment is a separately identified addition to the salary range for a role, which is essential to increase the total pay to a level sufficient to recruit and/or retain staff in adverse market conditions while maintaining the link between pay and job evaluation. Type 1 supplements may be paid to all people in a role because of the market value of that role and type 2 supplements may be paid to an individual or group of individuals because of their personal market worth. Veterinary recruitment and retention supplements have been designed to help recruitment and retention of staff within the veterinary clinical establishment.

For all new roles, the grade for the role must first be determined before any case for a recruitment supplement will be considered.