The Academic Career Pathway framework (PDF, 89kB) provides academic staff with clear career pathways. Each pathway consists of a series of levels with distinct role profiles associated with that level, each with its unique requirements.
Each profile represents a generic job description, each of which has been scored using the University of Bristol Job Evaluation Scheme (UBJES) methodology to determine the relevant grade. The profiles set out what is expected of an academic member of staff at the particular level. The profiles set out what is expected of an academic member of staff at the particular level.
Individuals are recruited to the relevant pathway and role profile according to the nature of the post in question and the individual's skills and experience. Academic roles are not therefore individually evaluated. Subsequent changes of grade will be governed by the relevant process for movement within academic pathways.
For advice on the appropriate role profile, grade and salary point at which to appoint any individual please contact HR. For advice when applying for grant funding please contact RED or Finance Services.