Equality, diversity and inclusion: News

Undergraduate women at Bristol ahead of the national picture

Benchmarking against national statistics for Earth Sciences schools shows that undergraduate women at Bristol have increased to be the majority over the last three years, as shown in the graph below. These proportions are well ahead of national figures shown in the table.

The School encourages applications for undergraduate degrees from women by reflecting this gender balance through equal proportions of female and male staff representing the School at Open Days, and through equal representation of women and men on the School’s webpages and promotional images.

Above: Number of female and male Earth Sciences undergraduate students 2014-2017 and 3-year School average. % of female students shown above bars.




    Female Male Female Male Female Male

N 92 160 107 154 146 103
% 37 64 41 59 59 41
UK average

N 2310 4435 2405 4520 2305 4210
% 34 66 35 65 35 65

Above: Numbers and percentages of female and male undergraduate students at Bristol compared to the national average for Earth Sciences. 

9th July 2018

Talks by Brilliant Women in STEM, Including our very own Laura Robinson

Inspiring TED talks across all areas of STEM: Plsylist - TED Talks by Brilliant Women in STEM

Plus one by our own Professor Laura RobinsonThe secrets I find on the mysterious ocean floor

9th July 2018

Soapbox Science: Summer 2018 Events

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do. Read about activities at soapboxscience.org. Click here for a list of their events this summer.

9th July 2018

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