Research projects

Students complete an individual three-month extended research project during the second half of the taught component of study. Students are offered a portfolio of PhD project proposals towards the end of their extended research project, at which point they decide (in discussion with their supervisors) whether to continue the extended project as a PhD or whether to select a new project.

Find out more about specific PhD projects

Find out more about specific Extended projects

If you are an external partner and would like to know how to get involved please visit the BCI Partnerships and Collaborations webpage and get in touch with our Industry Engagement Manager

I like the fact that it's a learning curve. You learn how the University works, and how you work as a researcher, before you start your actual PhD.

Konstantina Kanari

The greatness of our CDT is that it gives you the tools to challenge yourself as much as you want, and I think that a PhD is about that: handling challenges and being able to push yourself out of the comfort zone.

Andres Rivero
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