Cancer epidemiology
The University of Bristol has strong expertise in cancer epidemiology.
The Integrative Cancer Epidemiology Programme (ICEP) (PIs Prof Richard Martin & Prof Caroline Relton) applies innovative causal analysis methods to robustly discriminate between exposures that are causally associated with cancer risk and progression, and hence are possible targets for intervention, from non-causal biomarkers with potential predictive utility. Our main focus is on modifiable nutritional and lifestyle exposures, related intermediate phenotypes, and novel metabolomic and epigenetic biomarkers, in cancers of the prostate, lung, kidneys, head and neck, breast and ovaries.
The MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit (IEU) aims to develop and apply novel research methods that can be used to determine the causes of health and disease in populations. Research in the centre is developing and applying methods to understand causal pathways to cancer outcomes (both initiation and progression) and to improve causal inference in observational epidemiology. An example is the research investigating the causal pathways and biological mechanisms of factors such as the IGF system or alcohol consumption in the development or progression of cancer across the lifecourse.
Through the IEU there are world-leading, innovative programmes of genetic epidemiology andgenome wide methylation research, using Mendelian Randomization techniques that use genetic markers to understand the importance of exposures (e.g. lifestyle or environmental factors) in the development or progression of cancer. These programmes are supported by advanced statistical expertise in translational population science.
One of the strengths of epidemiology at Bristol is the innovative use of data and biological samples collected in cohort studies including ALSPAC and the ProtecT study.
Further information
You can learn more about the breadth of research into cancer epidemiology being carried out by teams across the University by visiting their group website pages
Reducing the burden of cancer through prevention and early diagnosis
The CAP and ProtectT trials
The largest trial of prostate cancer ever determined that PSA-based screening did not save lives