The Research and Enterprise Division (RED) provides information about current and future funding opportunities and fellowships, this information is updated fortnightly. (Please be advised that this information is only available to University of Bristol staff and students).

Funding opportunities

Pump-prime funding for University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust

Researchers with full or honorary contracts with UH Bristol are eligible to apply for these schemes.

North Bristol NHS Trust funding

Cancer Research UK (CRUK)

is one of the major funders of the work being undertaken at Bristol. Examples of available funding options can be found below; for a full listing of research funding opportunites, see the CRUK "Find a Grant" pages

Medical Research Council

The MRC offers a number of funding opportunities for developing people and skills. Examples of funding schemes are below; search through their full list on their funding finder page

Other Funders

There are a number of other potential research funding sources which include, but are not limited to:

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