Student Partnership Strategy Consultation

DRAFT Student Partnership Strategy for consultation

The Student Partnership Strategy sets out our ambition to further develop opportunities for students to engage as partners in their educational and wider University experience.  It aims to help enhance a University community based on scholarship, challenge and learning. Staff and student representatives have worked together to articulate our vision and what we believe are the principles and indicators of successful partnership; these are outlined in the draft Student Partnership Strategy.

This draft strategy was created after initial internal consultation including best practice examples at Bristol and wide ranging sector research (including other higher education providers and national bodies). 

We are asking students and staff for your views and input on the draft Student Partnership Strategy (PDF, 257kB).  Please participate in this consultation, to help ensure we develop a strategy that reflects our shared vision of partnership.

The consultation will remain open until midday on the November 5th 2014.

Many thanks for your attention and participation.

Professor Judith Squires, Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Bristol
Alex Bradbrook, Academic Experience Officer (UG) UBU
Sorana Vieru, Postgraduate Officer UBU

For information - consultation responses will initially be considered by the Student Partnership and Representation Group, amendments made as appropriate before it is considered for approval by Education Committee and Senate (December 2014).

Consultation via links above and at: