Student Partnership and Representation Group
Shortcuts:Purpose | Terms of Reference | Membership | Quorum | Meetings
The Student Partnership and Representation Group is a working group of the Student Experience Committee which itself reports to University Education Committee.
This Group was renamed the Student Partnership and Representation Group in May 2014, it's former name was the Student Representation and Engagement Working Group
The main purpose of the Group is to:
- articulate a cross-university strategy for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Representation and Engagement, and agree a partnership approach with the Students’ Union for its implementation and monitoring.
Terms of Reference
Advisory (to Student Experience Committee):
- to monitor the system of academic student representation for implementation within all schools and faculties, and disseminate good practice
- to make recommendations on student representation within the University and the Students' Union
- to review and monitor implementation of the Partnership Vision
- to advise on appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for student partnership/engagement
- to advise on implementing the QAA Code of Practice recommendations on student engagement
- to develop partnership through making recommendations and developing practices to build learning communities and cohort identity
Decision making (on behalf of Student Experience Committee)
7. to agree the implementation of student representation elections
8. to agree the training for student representatives
9. to report at least annually on the effectiveness of student partnership/engagement via agreed KPIs
- Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor [Chair]
- Bristol SU Representation and Quality Coordinator [Secretary]
- Bristol SU Head of Student Engagement or Student Engagement Manager
- Bristol SU Undergraduate (UG) Education Officer
- Bristol SU Postgraduate (PG) Education Officer
- A UG Faculty Rep
- A PGT Faculty Rep
- A PGR Representative
- An Undergraduate Faculty Education Director
- A Graduate Faculty Education Director
- A Head of School
- A FQT Chair
- Academic Registrar and Director of Education Services (or nominee)
- Deputy Academic Registrar (or nominee)
- A Faculty Education Manager
- A School Administration Manager
- A Graduate Administration Manager
Membership 2016/17
- Alvin Birdi, Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor [Chair]
- TBA, (Bristol SU) [Secretary]
- Mark Allinson, Faculty Education Director UG
- Zoe Backhouse, UG Education Officer (Bristol SU)
- Melissa Bevan, Faculty Education Manager
- Dave Cliff, Head of School
- Dani Glazzard, Head of Student Engagement (Bristol SU)
- Angela Hague, FQT Chair
- Laura Ho, PG Education Officer (Bristol SU)
- Helen Hoogewerf-McComb, Student Engagement Manager
- Nikki Horrobin, Graduate Administration Manager
- Sam Jones, Academic Quality Manager (AQPO: Education Services)
- Patricia Kuwabara, Faculty Education Director PG
- Sara Moore, Quality Support Officer (AQPO: Education Services)
- Joshua Mudie, PGR representative
- Andrea Pearce, Student Administration Manager
- TBA, UG Faculty Rep
- TBA, PGT Faculty Rep
The Chair (or nominee) and at least two student representatives, two members of academic staff and two members of professional service staff (from either University and/or Student's Union).
The Group will meet on the following dates in 2016/17:
- Monday 14 November 2016 - 14:30 - 16:00
- Tuesday 31 January 2017 - 14:00 - 15:30 [cancelled]
- Tuesday 11 April 2017 - 14:30 - 16:00
- Thursday 8 June 2017 - 09:30 - 11:00