How to keep safe on your campus tour

Thank you for booking onto a campus tour. We are excited to welcome you to the University of Bristol.

To ensure an enjoyable experience for all visitors it's important everyone moves around the campus safely. We ask that you follow the steps below when you visit:

  • Please follow the most up to date government guidelines on minimising the spread of COVID-19. Please check the government website prior to travelling to the University of Bristol.
  • If you, or anyone in your household, display symptoms of COVID-19 please follow government guidance and refrain from travelling to campus.
  • If you would like somebody to accompany you on the campus tour, please bring one guest. Group numbers will be restricted to keep you and our community safe.
  • Please pay close attention to your guide and follow any directions they give. Our guides have been trained specifically to keep you and the tour group safe.
  • Our group numbers allow for social distancing. Whether this is a government guideline or not, please appreciate that many visitors will want to keep some distance to feel comfortable and ensure safety.
  • Please remember to bring a face mask for entrance into any University buildings.
  • Please use the sanitiser gel on entry to and exit from every University building. 
  • Please follow any one-way systems in place across campus.
  • Please be patient. Things will be different to how they have been in the past. All measures that have been put in place are to keep our visitors, staff and students safe, whilst providing an opportunity for you to explore the University.  

Please get in touch with us on the below details if you have any questions

Undergraduate enquiries:

Postgraduate enquiries: