Support for those affected by the Ukraine invasion

The ongoing escalation of military action in Ukraine has impacted many colleagues and students at the University of Bristol. Our thoughts are with all those affected by current events and we will do what we can to support them.

Bristol is a diverse community with many different nationalities – we ask our community to respect and support each other during these grave times. This is a summary of support and advice available to staff and students.

How you can help

We know that many in our community want to provide help and support at this time. There are several charitable appeals if you would like to donate to organisations that currently provide humanitarian support in Ukraine:

  • Locally, Stand with Ukraine Bristol promotes different collection points currently accepting donations in Bristol – check their posts for the most recent donation needs.
  • The DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee) is involved in coordinating the UK public's response to overseas disasters and has set up a Ukraine fund. The DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently at times of crisis overseas.
  • The British Red Cross works with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to support people affected by the invasion. Donations to the Red Cross go towards food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes and shelter.
  • UNICEF works across eastern Ukraine to deliver life-saving programmes for children as well as deliver safe drinking water in areas heavily impacted by the conflict.
  • The UNHCR works with local authorities and other partners in Ukraine to provide humanitarian assistance for refugees.