BA Film and Television (4M5N)
2025 entry
Course summary
The University of Bristol has a long history of innovation in the study of film and television. In the late 1960s, Professor George Brandt introduced film and television studies to the University curriculum and the subject has been taught at Bristol ever since.
In the Department of Film and Television, guided by leading scholars and practitioners, you will learn to combine critical, historical, theoretical and practical approaches to the study of film and television. You will explore how films are made and engage in a range of creative work throughout the programme.
The curriculum progresses from introductory units, which use specific topics to teach you how to analyse film and television, to more advanced and specialist units. These cover significant historical movements, contemporary practices and the theoretical concepts that underpin, inform and shape film and television.
You will be trained in scholarly investigation and critical thinking through essay writing and presentations, and you will work collaboratively in groups to design projects and make short films. Throughout your studies you will learn from a variety of film and television professionals. In your final year you will examine the film and television industries and have the opportunity to undertake a placement or industrial project.
Course structure
Entry requirements
We accept a wide variety of qualifications and welcome applications from students of all backgrounds. Below is a guide to the typical offers for this course.
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Selection process
- Regulations and codes of conduct we abide by to create a positive environment for learning and achievement are found in the University admissions policies and procedures.
- If applying with extenuating circumstances please see our policy.
- Full information about our selection processes for Film and Television can be found in the Admissions Statement:
Admissions statement