A: Know yourself

A: Know yourself

In this section we offer a selection of ideas, tools and activities to help you better understand yourself and what you actually want or need from a career. This isn’t just about the skills you offer or the experience you have had so far, and where this might lead you. In this section we will provide ideas to help you to take a step back and really think about what is important to you and what will keep you stimulated, challenged and fulfilled during your career.
Try going back to first principles – instead of looking at what you do now, and thinking what you should do next, start with what you want to be doing by articulating and prioritising what you most value or what motivates you in your career. Then you can start to look at types of job and organisations that would fulfil those values or motivations.
There are many ways of thinking about this, however in this section you can explore your priorities and values and think about what would make you feel fulfilled in a future career.
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