Anti-corruption and bribery

The University Council has approved the Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy (PDF, 579kB).

It is important that all staff read the policy - the key points of the Policy are set out below:

  • The Policy applies to all staff, who should be vigilant in avoiding actions that could constitute bribery
  • Staff may accept gifts or hospitality, so long as they abide by the terms of the Policy
  • The Policy requires staff to register any gifts or hospitality with a value in excess of £100, using the Gifts and Hospitality Registration Form (Office document, 13kB)
  • Staff must obtain the consent of their line manager before accepting any gifts or hospitality with a value in excess of £500
  • While the University is in a low risk sector, there would be huge reputational risk if the University were associated with bribery
  • Ensure that you know who you are dealing with at all times, including when giving or receiving gifts or hospitality.  Exercise due diligence and if in any doubt make further enquiries or contact the Secretary’s Office
  • Divisional Heads and Faculty Managers are not required to enforce the Policy but are required to hold Gifts and Hospitality Registration Forms received from staff.  The obligation to comply with the Policy rests on the individual member of staff
  • The Policy prohibits accepting a gift or hospitality from a party who is tendering for a University contract or who did so in the last 3 months
  • Failure to comply with the Policy could lead to disciplinary action

Gifts and Hospitality

The policy states that any gifts or hospitality given or received with a value in excess of £100 should be registered with either your Faculty Manager or Divisional Head, and line manager consent obtained if the value is in excess of £500.  There is a standard Gifts and Hospitality Registration Form (Office document, 13kB).

Standard contract term

The Secretary’s Office has also prepared a short form Anti-Corruption and Bribery Clause (Office document, 11kB), which should be used in all contracts. 

Self Assessment

The Secretary’s Office has developed an Anti-Corruption and Bribery Risk Evaluation Form (Office document, 25kB) which, schools, departments and Professional Services in the University may, if they feel appropriate, complete if they have not already done so. You can also use the form to update a previously submitted form if you would like to report a new development.

Other Relevant University Policies

Useful Links

If you have any queries in relation to the Act or its effect on the University or staff, please e-mail