We are delighted to have won an STFC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) for the University. This is part of the newly harmonised UKRI IAAs funded from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2025.
Eligibility: Projects may be proposed from all disciplines and all Faculties of the University where there is a strong link to research that is within 50% of STFC remit. PI’s must be permanent members of UoB staff or have a contract that extends past the end date of their proposed project. Public Engagement activities aren't eligible however STFC have separate PE funds
For pilot studies for field tests, experimental scale-up, market-informed prototypes, market assessment, or consulting industry specialists
For Exchanges to/from the University, part- time or full-time for any researcher, academic or external collaborator
To develop commercial business cases and prepare for more substantive funding e.g., STFC IPS, Innovate UK and direct industry investment
For previous STFC IAA projects that can demonstrate success and how further funds would unlock next steps to prepare for more substantive funding e.g. STFC IPS, Innovate UK and direct industry investment.
Further information for internal colleagues can be found here.
If you have any queries or would like to talk to someone in the team about the STFC IAA, please contact lucy.beck@bristol.ac.uk