A University Research Fellowship (URF) award enables academic staff (pathway 1) to carry out strategic research activity, lasting up to twelve months. The financial support covers the costs of replacement teaching, assessment, and clinical responsibilities during that period, and, at the discretion of the Head of School, may also be used to cover related expenses.
University Enterprise Fellowship (UEF) award enables academic staff to carry out a dedicated enterprise-related project lasting up to twelve months. The financial support is intended to support a reduction in other duties during that period as well as costs such as travel or meetings directly associated with the fellowship.
Early Career Enterprise Fellowship (ECEF) award aims to sup
port early career researchers to gain the skills necessary to make progress in commercialising University intellectual property. It provides training, dedicated support and funds.
Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) are two-year awards confered to distinguished retired members of staff in recognition of their continued contribution to the research at the University. Fellows are not employees of the University and the awards carry no financial resources. SRFs are therefore honorary in character and beneficial to senior individuals and their schools if it is formulated around a specific set of research goals.