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NIHR School for Primary Care Research Medical Student Internships 2019: Bristol

17 January 2019

These research internships will be based in the Centre for Academic Primary Care (CAPC) at Bristol Medical School. The successful applicants will join established research teams and gain skills in primary care focused research which may include research methods training, attendance at workshops and seminars, secondary data analysis and literature reviewing.

Research stipends of £1,000 will be awarded to the two most promising research proposals received from undergraduate medical students in Years 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Applications, taking the form of a mini grant proposal, will be for a project of at least four weeks duration to be undertaken across the summer.

Individuals wanting to apply for these Bristol-based internships should make sure their project is in line with CAPC research interests

Having identified an area of interest, contact Nancy Horlick, who will put you in touch with the CAPC member in that area to discuss possible project ideas.

You will then need to complete an application form. The CAPC member you discuss your proposal with will provide you with a copy of this form and support you in completing it. 

The decision on each internship will be based on the quality of the written applications and weighted towards funding the best (achievable) projects.

Closing date for the applications is 29 March, 2019.  

For further details please contact Katrina Turner, Joint Head of CAPC.

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